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We live in the age of information overload. Today there is a plethora of information available to everyone regarding markets be it equity, forex, commodity, crypto or any asset class. A single trading screen gives at least 45 different ‘bits’ of information simultaneously, which are continuously being updated and are changing due to a variety of factors. How does one make use of all this information, which information is useful or relevant, till when will it remain relevant, which factors are actually at play and will influence market prices, and which factors to ignore. We provide the answers.

With decades of experience in the various markets, we understand the pulse of the market and are here to educate and raise awareness about the various complexities of the market. Whatever your information needs, we can provide you with timely, relevant and trustworthy information to best suit your requirements. We believe in providing precise & pertinent knowledge to our clients, to empower them to make the correct decisions as per market conditions. Our aim at IIDM is to educate and instruct the client with best-in-class market information backed up by years of research and analysis.