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Businesses today require a dearth of information, research and specialized knowledge to stay competitive in the market. As businesses continue to grow more complex and demanding, from a financial perspective they often require nuanced & expert advice. We at IIDM, provide a comprehensive business solution for all your finance related needs. We aim to improve efficiencies by a radical redesign of the company’s financial strategy. The results of which can be seen in the total returns of the firm, both in terms of revenue and profitability.

The focus is on improving ROI via strategic and operational modifications. Our basic approach is to optimize leverage in an attempt to reduce the weighted average cost of capital for the firm.  Beginning with capital structure analysis, our advisory team then proceeds to test sensitivity to various risk factors and endeavour to minimize them. This entire process impacts the risk premium by lowering it which in turn enhances firm’s value. From the perspective of investors, business partners or lenders, it is an uptick for credibility.

We are often able to commit tangible outcomes to our clients due to our confidence in the business solution model, whether it is in terms of profitability, revenue optimization, or overall returns on investment. Throughout our client’s financial transformation journey we are present in every step of the way, guiding/mentoring and providing valuable information, to help them overcome any associated challenges.